Performances από MCountdown στις 25.04.19.

by Bokaloka 25/04/2019
Performances από MCountdown στις 25.04.19.

Performances από MCountdown στις 25.04.19. (Comeback: NewKidd, VERIVERY, TXT, N.FLYING, TWICE)

Special Stage:

1. N.FLYING - Leave it

Comeback Stages:

1. NewKidd - Tu eres

2. VERIVERY - Light Up & From Now

3. TXT - Cat & Dog

4. N.FLYING - Spring Memories

5. TWICE - Fancy


1. ENOi - Bloom

2. 1THE9 - The story

3. Donkiz - Nom

4. BVNDIT - Hocus Pocus

5. Kang Xiwon - Click click

6. TARGET - Beautiful

7. Jo Jung Min - Ready Q

8. Stephanie - Man on the dance floor

9. Junggigo - IWST (feat Hoody)

10. DIA - Woowa

11. Yongzoo - This time

12. BTS - Boy with luv